Part III of the Functional Lifestyle Journey
After working with a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and using lab tests to identify stressors, next comes the protocol, which is built based on your body-needs.
What is the D.R.E.S.S. Code protocol?
While there are no 2 identical protocols, all protocols are designed with diet, rest, exercise, supplement, and stress reduction in mind or D.R.E.S.S. for short. Here’s what it’s all about:
Diet: There is no one perfect diet or food plan that’s right for everyone. Every person is different and that’s why a diet plan will be created just for you and your needs.
Rest: The body heals while we sleep and good sleep habits are critical to both healing and health maintenance. As we age and suffer from hormonal imbalances and other disorders, our sleep quality is decreased. Your protocol will provide you techniques to repair your sleep quality so you can fall asleep easily and remain sleep all night.
Exercise: Movement is critical to proper circulation, metabolism, detoxification and mental acuity. What is enough? What is too much? Together we’ll fine tune a regimen that works for you.
Stress Reduction: We work together to reduce the metabolic stress on your body from within, and to find ways to meet and overcome the inevitable external stresses that make up our everyday lives.
Supplements: Over-farming, pesticides, preservatives and storage deplete our food of essential vitamins and nutrients. We supplement with herbal-based and research backed natural, high quality botanicals to replace what we’re not getting enough of.

The D.R.E.S.S. Code protocol typically takes up to 90 days to be fully integrated into your normal day-to-day routine. That’s why working with a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner may be helpful as they will be able to walk you through the challenging times and fine tune any changes along the way.
Ready to get started?
If you’re ready to get started on your wellbeing journey, I am anxious to work with you. Reach out and say hello today.